Scouting @ central
The Natural State Council serves scouting in 67 counties in the State of Arkansas. The Natural State Council was created from the former Quapaw Area Council and Westark Area Council on December 1st, 2023. On June 1st, 2024, the De Soto Area Council merged into the Natural State Council to better support the statewide scouting movement.
The mission of the Natural State Council is to prepare and develop Arkansas youth for a successful life through the values of the Scout Oath and Law and a safe program that builds character, teaches skills, and offers growth experiences and outdoor adventures.
The vision of the Natural State Council is that all Arkansas youth can become capable, responsible, honorable, moral, and ethical citizens leading a life of achievement and service for a better world through Scouting.
From the first knot tied to final hours of service performed, the Scouting experience is a journey like none other. And Scoutbook is your go-to tool to ensure not a moment is missed - tracking advancement, milestone achievements and all the fun along the way.
A site to keep up with registration, calendar, profile, reports and activity logs. These items were originally in scoutbook but are being moved to work with the scouting database.
This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
The Scouting Discussion Forums will focus on questions related to Scoutbook, Internet Advancement and all other BSA IT software and resources.
For program or health and safety questions, please reach out to your local council. Thank you for all you do for Scouting.
Find all of the lates news about scouting's advancement information.
5 / Facebook Pages
A / Troop 7 private Facebook page.
B / Troop 7 public Facebook Page.
C / Pack 7 private Facebook Page.
D / Natural State Council Facebook Page.
E / Butterfield Trail District Facebook Page.
Official website of the Boy Scouts of America.
Your destination for Scouts BSA troop info and planning resources
8 / My.Scouting
Your destination for your personal information and Scouts BSA troop info.
Aaron on Scouting is the official site of Scouting magazine, a Scouting America publication.
Scouting America Foundation financially supports the mission, values, and programs of Scouting America by promoting and soliciting gifts, grants, and matching funds from those interested in supporting Scouting, nationally and internationally, through local councils and other Scouting organizations.
11 / Scouting News Room
Welcome to the Official Newsroom of the Boy Scouts of America, your source for Boy Scout news, announcements, and information.
Your destination
13 / Scouting Wire
The Official Blog of the Scouting Movement